Vietnamese Cardinal Minnow, Royal White Cloud, Tanichthys micagemmae -
They are used to live in water with higher temperatures (17 °- 34 °C) than ordinary White Cloud Mountain Minnows. They are beautifully colored, a bit smaller than T. albonubes and ideal for growing in the aquarium, especially in the popular nano-aquariums.
Order: CypriniformesFamily: CyprinidaeRelated species:
Tanichthys albonubesNames:
Royal White Cloud, Vietnamese Cardinal Minnow, Dwarf Cardinal, Vietnamesischer Kardinalfisch.Homeland:
Vietnam, Ben Hai River tributaries.Biotope:
Fast running streams over a sandy bottom.Gender:
Males ♂ intensify in color and develop extended dorsal and anal fins with age. They compete with each other for the females during the breeding season.Females ♀ are often rounder bellied and a bit larger than males.
Standard length:
2cm - 3cm / 0,8 in - 1,2 inBehavior:
T. micagemmae is a very peaceful and shy fish. It is an ideal resident for community tanks. However, it should not be put together with goldfish.Tanichthys micagemmae is a schooling fish and therefore should be bought and kept with at least 6 to 10 specimens.
In nature, it is likely to be feeding on small insects and zooplankton.You can feed it in aquarium with dry flakes, granulas, bloodworms, Daphnia, Artemia, etc.
The reproduction is very similar to the Tanichthys albonubes.They get sexually mature when approx. 6 months old and if the water in aquarium is soft enough (~10° dGH), small number of fry will appear without further intervention.
Normally they do not eat fry.
However, couples can be placed separatedly in a special aquarium with fresh water with lots of floating plants (maybe floating moss Riccia fluitans) and breed separatedly from the group.
Life Time:
At least 5 yearsLevel of difficulty:
Undemanding type, suitable for beginnersTemperature:
17 ° - 34 ° C (best at 20 - 23 ° C)
dGH: <20 °; dKH: <18 °, Rather soft than hard.
pH 5.5 to 8.0
Size of aquarium:
Minimum requirement: 54 cm, 60l
Special Note: When they are young, it is difficult to distinguish them from young neons. They are extremely beautiful and sought after aquarium fish that are in the wild just before extinction.
But fortunately also easily propagated in captivity.
Male Royal White Cloud
Female of Tanichthys micagemmae ready for spawning